Future of Social Media and Video Platforms: Who Will Rise and Who Will Fall in the Next 5 Years

3 min readJun 20, 2024


Social media and video platforms are always changing. Let’s look at six big names: Twitch, YouTube, Kick, TikTok, Instagram, and X (Twitter).

At Entyx.io we’ll try to guess what might happen to them in the next five years.

Twitch: Facing Tough Competition

Twitch is very popular for live streaming, especially for games. It has a strong community and many loyal users. However, new platforms like Kick and YouTube’s live streaming features are becoming strong competitors. Twitch needs to innovate and keep its streamers happy to stay on top. If it can’t, it might see a decline in its user base.

YouTube: The Giant Keeps Growing

YouTube is the king of video platforms. It has everything from funny videos to educational content. YouTube Shorts, its short video feature, is getting more popular. With a huge user base and lots of different types of content, YouTube will likely continue to grow and dominate the video platform space.

Kick: Rising Star

Kick is a new platform that’s trying to take some of Twitch’s users. It focuses on live streaming, just like Twitch. Kick will need to offer something special to compete with Twitch and YouTube. If it can attract big streamers and viewers, it could grow a lot and become a major player in the live streaming world.

TikTok: Continued Popularity but Regulatory Hurdles

TikTok is famous for short, fun videos. It’s very popular with young people. TikTok’s popularity will likely continue to grow, but it needs to handle issues like privacy concerns and government regulations. If it can manage these challenges, TikTok will stay a big player. However, if regulatory pressures increase, TikTok could face significant setbacks.

Instagram: Evolving with Trends

Instagram started as a photo-sharing app but now has many features like Stories, Reels, and shopping options. Instagram keeps changing to match what users want. With its focus on visual content and strong user base, Instagram is likely to keep doing well and stay relevant.

X (Twitter): Struggling to Adapt

X (formerly Twitter) is a place for quick updates and news. It’s trying to add more features like Spaces (audio chat) and newsletters. However, X is facing challenges in keeping users engaged and attracting new ones. If it can’t adapt quickly enough to the changing social media landscape, X might see a decline in its popularity and user base.

Conclusion: A Competitive Future

In the next five years, we will see these platforms changing a lot. YouTube and TikTok will likely keep growing, while Twitch needs to innovate to stay ahead. Kick is a new player to watch, and Instagram will keep evolving. X will need to adapt quickly to stay in the game, but it risks falling behind if it doesn’t. The future of social media and video platforms will be exciting and full of surprises.

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