Understanding the Audience: Demographic Trends on Twitch, YouTube, Kick, TikTok, X, and Instagram

3 min readJun 11, 2024


As digital platforms continue to evolve, understanding the audience demographics on popular platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Kick, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram is crucial for effective marketing strategies.

At Entyx.io, we have studied and profiled every popular platform.

Each platform attracts a unique audience, and knowing these differences can help brands optimize marketing campaigns for maximum impact.

Twitch: The Gamer’s Paradise


Age: Predominantly young, with a large portion of users aged 16–34. Gender: While historically male-dominated, the gender split is becoming more balanced, with female viewers increasing steadily. Interests: Primarily focused on gaming, eSports, and live streams, but expanding to music, creative arts, and lifestyle content.

Key benefits:

Engagement: High engagement due to the interactive nature of live streams. Community: Strong sense of community among viewers, who often support their favorite streamers through subscriptions and donations. Opportunities: Brands can leverage sponsorships, influencer partnerships, and in-stream ads to connect with this engaged, youthful audience.

YouTube: The Video Giant


Age: Broad age range, with significant user bases in the 18–24, 25–34, and 35–44 age groups. Gender: Nearly even split between male and female users. Interests: Diverse content ranging from entertainment, education, DIY, beauty, tech, and more.

Key benefits:

Reach: Massive global reach, making it ideal for broad campaigns. Content Variety: The platform’s varied content attracts a wide range of interests, allowing brands to target niche audiences effectively. Monetization: Multiple ad formats, including pre-roll, mid-roll, and overlay ads, offer flexible monetization options.

Kick: The Newcomer


Age: Attracts a younger audience, similar to Twitch, with a focus on users aged 16–34. Gender: Emerging trends suggest a slightly male-dominated user base, but this is evolving. Interests: Primarily focused on gaming and live streaming, but also includes other interactive content.

Key benefits:

Growth: Rapidly growing platform with increasing user engagement. Niche Appeal: Strong appeal to gamers and early adopters, providing a fresh market for innovative advertising. Influence: Opportunities for brands to partner with rising influencers and content creators.

TikTok: The Short-Form Sensation


Age: Highly popular among Gen Z, with a significant number of users aged 10–29. Gender: More female users, but male usage is growing. Interests: Short-form video content spanning comedy, dance, education, lifestyle, and more.

Key benefits:

Virality: High potential for content to go viral, offering brands significant exposure. Engagement: Users spend substantial time on the platform, engaging with bite-sized content. Creative Advertising: Brands can leverage trends, challenges, and influencer partnerships to create engaging ads.

X (Twitter): The Real-Time Hub


Age: Users are primarily aged 18–29, with a notable portion of 30–49-year-olds. Gender: More male users, but female participation is growing. Interests: News, politics, entertainment, sports, and real-time events.

Key benefits:

Instant Communication: Ideal for real-time marketing and customer engagement. Influence: Strong influence on public opinion and trends, making it valuable for brand positioning. Ad Formats: Promoted tweets, trends, and moments offer various ways to engage users.

Instagram: The Visual Showcase


Age: Popular among users aged 18–34, with a significant presence of younger teens and older adults. Gender: Slightly more female users, but balanced overall. Interests: Lifestyle, fashion, beauty, travel, food, and wellness.

Key benefits:

Visual Appeal: Highly visual platform, perfect for showcasing products and lifestyles. Engagement: Strong user engagement through stories, posts, and IGTV. Influencer Marketing: Extensive network of influencers who can drive brand awareness and sales.


Understanding the demographic trends on these platforms allows to effectively reach your target audiences.

Whether it’s the young, engaged gamers on Twitch and Kick, the broad and diverse viewership of YouTube, the trendy and viral nature of TikTok, the real-time communication on X, or the visually appealing content on Instagram, each platform offers unique opportunities to connect with your audience.

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